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Benefits Verandas and Canopies with Family Dogs

  • Published on 16/01/2022
  • Written by 123v

Benefits of 123v plc Veranda's Carports and Canopies with Family Dogs

I started working for 123v plc in January 2013 with very little knowledge on carports and canopies and I wasn’t really sure what the options available were. I quickly learned that there are a lot more choices available than I first thought and I was intrigued to find out that there were also glass verandas which I hadn’t been aware of before. This got me thinking that maybe this would be a perfect option for my own house. Having thought previously about having a conservatory fitted and then realizing I wouldn’t have enough space for one, I had quickly ruled out the idea. Now however, having seen our range of glass verandas, I thought that one of these might just be the answer. I am now the proud owner of a black traditional style glass veranda, fitted with lights and heaters which is perfect for summer evenings enjoying a glass of vino and a good book. Turns out my dog really enjoys sitting under it as well!!!

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  • 26 Articles Published
  • Joined on 22/09/1997

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