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Large Lean to Carports by 123v in Exeter Devon UK

Before 123v Lean to Carport in Exter Devon Large Span in White
Before 123v Lean to Carport in Exter Devon Large Span in White
After 123v Lean to Carport in Exeter Devon Large Span for 2 Cars in White
After 123v Lean to Carport in Exeter Devon Large Span for 2 Cars in White

Project Brief

Our Client contacted us to talk about their parking area in front of their house. Many of their neighbours have garages for this space but they didnt want that, but still wanted to have cover for both their cars, especially as they had a new car. This was especially important during the winter months, as the area could be icy. So it was decided that the area would be best suited to a lean to carport.

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