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UK Frosty Mornings…..brrrrrrrrr!!!

Now that we are into February there is hope that spring is just around the corner, however the possibility of frosty mornings in the uk is still with us… what can we do to help prevent having to scrape the frost from our cars in the morning?

There are a few tricks available like metallic covers that you can put over your windscreen but what about the rest of your car windows, they are still going to be frosted over and it will still take time to clear before you head off on your morning journey.

So, a much more viable option may be to install a carport or canopy to protect your entire vehicle.  Frost is effectively freezing water vapour which would normally form dew on a surface, this tends to fall vertically.  If your car is parked under a carport the roof of the carport will have the frost on it, leaving your car frost free.

The protection given by the carport also reduces the risk of the car door locks freezing.

So dont worry about the de-icer and the scraper, your car will be all ready to go.

Have a look here at our carport options to see what would best suit your property.

Pam 123v
Written by

Pamela Anderson

  • 6 Articles Published
  • Joined on 01/06/2013